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Put Trust in God First.

Our Lord never put His trust in any person. Yet He was never suspicious, never bitter, and never lost hope for anyone, because He put His trust in God first. He trusted absolutely in what God’s grace could do for others. If I put my trust in human beings first, the end result will be my despair and hopelessness toward everyone. I will become bitter because I have insisted that people be what no person can ever be— absolutely perfect and right. Never trust anything in yourself or in anyone else, except the grace of God. Put God’s Will First. “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God” (Hebrews 10:9).

We Need To take This Seriously:

What have totalitarian regimes always eradicated first? Faith. Biden is waging a surreptitious war on our Christian faith, and we should be concerned that many people aren't seeing it coming. Bibles are ripped out of kids' hands at school. Pastors are threatened with arrest for praying. Realtors have been banned from saying, "Jesus loves you." A judge banned public prayer. Churches are prohibited from using their own property for worship. Biden's FBI is placing spies in churches and targeting Christians as "terrorists." Now the Deep State FBI just admitted to the judge in our lawsuit to having over 1,200 pages of documents regarding its targeting of Christians and pro-lifers.

I hope that you have taken the time to tune in to CCM Classic Radio and enjoy the blend of music that we bring you.
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Here Is The Schedule for Tuesday, October 3

7AM Album “24" Point of Grace

9AM Album “Never Turning Back” Bruce Hibbard

10:30AM Album “All Things Are Possible" Dan Peek

11:30AM Album “Crystal Lewis Greatest Hits"

1PM Album "Independent" Casting Crowns

2PM Album “Thunder Beach" Crumacher

3:30PM Album “Supernatural" DC Talk

5M Album “Face of Mercy" Dallas Holm

6PM Album "Things Break" Elim Hall

7PM Album “Daniel Amos" Self-Titled

8:30PM Album “Sierra" Self-Titled


I hope that you will tune in!

Many Blessings
Michael Lederer

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